The Joint of Heating Element and Cold Tail

The joint of heating element (heating cable) and cold tail should be durable and 100% waterproof. Taking twin conductor heating cable for an example, the technical processes of its joint are described as follow:

Connection kits:

3 x tinned copper butt splice (1.5mm2, L=15mm), butt splice is also called wire connector.

3 x heat shrink tube (OD=5mm, L=30mm), heat shrink tube is also called shrinkable tube or shrinkable sleeve.

1 x heat shrink tube (OD=10mm, L=150mm).

Butt splice is used for the durable wire connection of heating cable and cold tail (live to live, neutral to neutral and earth to earth).

Heat shrink tube is used for the insulation and 100% water resistance.

Ready for assembly:

1-1. Remove 30mm PVC outer sheath of heating cable;

1-2. Remove 30mm Alu-foil shield screen and release the two FEP insulated heating cables and earth wire;

1-3. Remove each 7mm insulation of two core FEP heating cables;

2-1. Remove 40mm outer sheath of cold tail;

2-2. Remove each 7mm insulation of three core cables of cold tail. Provided the cold tail is two-wire with earth screen (earth braid), release and twist the screen, and then strip off each 7mm insulation of two core cables of cold tail.


1. Now both the heating cable and cold tail are ready for assembly. 1.5mm2 butt splice is squeezed onto the three core cables of cold tail (if two-wire with earth screen cold tail, squeezed onto the two core cables, and the left one squeezed onto the twist screen), all on the cold tail.

2. Heat shrink tube OD=5mm, L=30mm is pulled in over the three core cables of cold tail. Heat thrink tube OD=10mm, L=150mm is pulled in over the outer sheath of the cold tail.

3. The two heating cable conductors are connected with the two butt splices of the two cold tail conductors (live and neutral). The earth wire (or earth screen) of heating cable is connected with the butt splice on the cold tail earth wire / screen.The butt splices are squeezed onto it.

4. Heat shrink tube is pulled in over the three butt splice conductors. Make sure each of the two tubes (live and neutral) reaches the FEP insulation of the heating cable and covers the connector completely. Make sure the left one tube (earth) covers the butt splice completely.

5. The three heating shrink tubes are shrinked down from the middle out towards the ends.

6. Heat shrink tube OD=10mm, L=150mm is pulled in over the entire connection. The tube is shrinked down from the middle out towards the ends. Make sure that the glue is running out from the both ends of the tube.

Now the assembly is finished.


1. We supply the heating mat with the cable joint fixed onto the mesh, in case any damage occurs due to freely and frequently moving and bending of the joint.

2. The cable joint must be placed beneath the floor covering when heating cable/mat is installed.

3. For single conductor heating cable/mat, there will be two cable joints. One joint is for the wire connection live wire (heating cable) to live wire (cold tail) and earth braid (heating cable) to earth wire/braid (cold tail), the other joint is for neutral wire to neutral wire and earth braid to earth wire/braid.

4. We also supply plastic injection joint for 3.6mm (standard) twin condcutor heating mat/cable with 3 wire flat type cold tail. Its technical processes are the same, except the large and long tube is replaced by plastic injection junction.

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