Twin Conductor & Single Conductor Heating Mat

We get both twin conductor and single conductor type of heating Mat.

Twin conductor heating mat is made of twin conductor heating cable (pre-spaced), it means that only one end (one cold tail) needs to be connected to the thermostat or connection box. This system is much simpler and faster to install than single conductor heating mat, and it also emits negligible EMF radiation as the emissions of the two heating conductors cancel each other out.

Single conductor heating mat is made of single conductor heating cable (pre-spaced), it means that both ends (two cold tails) need to be connected to the thermostat or connection box. Although much cheaper to produce, this system takes longer to install than twin conductor heating mat, and it also emits higher level of EMF radiation than twin conductor heating mat, however this EMF level is safe.

So for the users, the main difference between the two types of heating mat lies in where you start and end your installation. For single conductor heating mat, where you start with your installation is where it is completed. However, with twin conductor, where you start with the installation does not necessarily mean you have to end there.

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